厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 桑拿网 When the news came out, the whole Italian media cheered-it seems that people with volcanic ash are not always winning.

When the news came out, the whole Italian media cheered-it seems that people with volcanic ash are not always winning.

Indeed, the sudden volcanic ash has thrown the whole of Europe into chaos, which is the most important and watched event in Europe today
Two days after the eruption of Iceland volcano, 17,000 flights were grounded! We should know that there are about 22,000 flights a day in Europe. Britain, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries have closed their faces, which naturally brings considerable influence to football matches.
The European War is naturally the first to bear the brunt. Both Barcelona, luna and Lyon can be forced to take buses to play away games. It is more than 700 kilometers from Lyon to Munich, and more than 1,000 kilometers from Barcelona to Rome!
In addition to the European War, many national leagues have been affected, especially those with large areas …
For example, the unlucky Marseille team stopped its flight due to volcanic ash and the French railway workers went on strike. They had to take a 14-hour bus from the south of France to the northern end near the Dover Strait, with a total distance of 134 kilometers.
Fortunately, Marseille still led the standings with a penalty of 21 points in stoppage time, and the Marseille sports manager Agnego took the opportunity to give an education to the players. "This long journey may make the players more sympathetic to our fans because they often go to away games like this."
Before the BBC’s "Today’s Match" program, Reinkel also joked about volcanic ash. He had reason to do so, because volcanic ash also harmed the famous football player. Before the incident, Reinkel was on vacation with his girlfriend and children on Terry Island, the southernmost tip of Spain, and had to return to London to do a program. He could only catch a small plane from Terry to Madrid, then hire a car to cross the border to Bordeaux, France, and then jump on the train to Paris. Finally, he returned to London by the "Eurostar" cross-harbour tunnel train, with a breathtaking journey of 3,613 kilometers!
Everyone saw the influence of volcanic ash on the game from Barcelona’s away game against Inter Milan.
Italians naturally don’t want to repeat Barcelona’s mistakes.
Barcelona’s physical energy consumption is so fast that it has to be said that it has something to do with a 24-hour long trip.
If Lazio have to go away by bus … I’m afraid it will face the same problems as Barcelona.
Fortunately, the influence of volcanic ash has finally subsided.
Lazio can fly to Barcelona
In fact, Changsheng knew that the volcanic ash would disperse after Barcelona played away.
But this is what he remembers.
He is not sure whether things will develop like this at this time.
After two encounters with Manchester United, I always win. Now I don’t believe my memory. Who knows if God will make another move?
In fact, he is ready, but if he can’t, he will let the team take the bus to the away game
I didn’t expect that God didn’t go against him this time.
Is it because I beat it twice in a row that it is afraid to retreat?
That’s not bad!
The dispersal of volcanic ash is good news for Lazio, but people in Barcelona hate it.
They also hoped that Lazio and Barcelona could take the bus to play away games, which would have a great impact on their physical fitness. Barcelona could sit back and relax at home, let alone two or five!
As a result, the volcanic ash actually dispersed in the second round!
When it was Barcelona’s turn to play, the volcanic ash appeared, but when it was Lazio’s turn to travel long distances away from home, the volcanic ash was gone.
Some Barcelona fans are very suspicious that Changsheng borrowed high-tech weapons to control the weather from the China military to deal with Barcelona … How else can we explain the volcanic ash problem that is so beneficial to Lazio?
After winning a game, even the high-tech weapons that can control the weather have been moved out … This has to admire people’s imagination. This idea is really not generally wide …
After Guardiola returned to Barcelona, other Catalan media did not criticize Guardiola except cruyff, and their acceptance was much higher than that of cruyff.
They are busy with two things. The first is to exonerate Guardiola and tell everyone that Barcelona was defeated by Lazio away from home. The non-war crime is the weather. If we hadn’t traveled more than 1,000 kilometers because of volcanic ash, we might not have lost the game in Productive.
The second thing is to call on Barcelona fans to go to the scene to watch the game.
"We want to fill the Camp Nou stadium that can accommodate more than 109,000 people! Let’s show our strength to the enemy here on Wednesday! Let’s be the best twelfth person in Barcelona! This is a decisive battle. We want the Jedi to fight back! The team needs your strength! "
In order to enhance the effect, the media changed the ridicule of Changsheng at the post-match press conference into "ridicule of Barcelona" and sent it out to arouse the fans’ solidarity.
Chang Sheng’s vitriolic remarks were highlighted by the Catalan media in red and bold, for fear that the fans could not find the same thing.
They vowed to let Changsheng see the strength of Barcelona and Catalan nation in Camp Nou!
Even the Spanish government should be polite to us. Why are you such a fucking little coach arrogant in front of us?
You’re killing yourself!
Chapter two hundred and twenty-two Barcelona nightmare
The Catalan media won Barcelona’s victory, which was really remarkable.
Not only did they call on Barcelona fans in the media to go to Camp Nou to support Barcelona at that time, but some tabloids simply gave Barcelona fans tricks.
For example, they organized Barcelona fans to make noise outside Lazio’s hotel to prevent Lazio players from having a good rest.
This media published a registration message. If you are interested, fans can call this message to sign up for newspaper vehicles, drinks and supper. It also ensures that the troubled fans are full of energy, and at the same time, various noise-making props are also available. Fans are welcome to bring their own props.
It is agreed that these people will be pulled by the newspaper vehicle at the right time.
Making noise in an organized way interferes with Lazio’s preparations.
This is the strategy of Barcelona fans.
Changsheng didn’t go to Barcelona to prepare for the war. They had been preparing for the war in Rome until the day before the game and flew to Barcelona in the afternoon.
At the airport, Lazio was welcomed by many Biancocelesti fans who had already arrived in Barcelona, and also many media reported Lazio’s arrival outside the airport.
The welcome that once made Catalonia media proud has now appeared in Lazio.
Arrive in Barcelona at noon, have a short rest in the afternoon, and Lazio will go to Camp Nou for field training, and always win the press conference before the game.
In the press conference before the game, Chang Sheng once again spoke wildly.
"Catalan media ten reasons why Barcelona will win? I need a reason to prove why you will lose. "Changsheng put up a finger at the pre-match press conference.
He said
For my team, it is a dream to reach the Bernabeu and fight for the Champions League, a goal worth paying all the costs, but it is a nightmare for you in Barcelona.
Changsheng sat behind a desk facing a group of Catalan media with a bad complexion and said
"You are eager to enter the Champions League final in the Bernabeu, which has been bothering you and has become your demons. Don’t try to beat me."
In fact, what he is trying to say is Guardiola, don’t try to beat me unless you get rid of your demons.
Guardiola’s demon is determined to beat Lazio in this game, even if his team is in a critical situation, he must win.
This pressure will become a time bomb that will destroy him and his team.

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