厦门夜网,厦门拿网,厦门品茶,厦门夜生活论坛 夜生活网 We can still compete for the League title and the Champions League. Why should we feel pain and sadness when we lose the final of the King’s Cup?

We can still compete for the League title and the Champions League. Why should we feel pain and sadness when we lose the final of the King’s Cup?

Three days later, Real Madrid ushered in a key battle to win the championship at the San Mames Stadium.
They challenged Athletic Bilbao away!
This is the first game of the 29th round of the League.
Everyone’s focus is on Real Madrid.
I want to see if they can break through Athletic Bilbao and continue to put pressure on Valencia.
Now it can also threaten Valencia teams, and there is their Real Madrid.
Even Chang Sheng sat in front of the TV and watched the game.
The game has been calm at half time, although there are some fierce scenes, but the deadlock has not been broken
But after 40 minutes, the stadium changed suddenly!
In the 43rd minute, Athletic Bilbao, Gester recorded the first record that the home team led 1!
Two minutes later, at the last minute of the half, Ulses and Athletic Bilbao expanded the score by 2!
This is almost equivalent to a bolt from the blue in Real Madrid!
Is Real Madrid going to lose to Athletic Bilbao on the road? If Valencia wins again, it will be six points!
Just at half time, Raul Gonzalez stepped forward to save Real Madrid and gave Real Madrid fans a reassurance.
In the 46th minute, his team equalized the score.
Real Madrid have been trying to score another goal since then.
Twenty minutes later, in the 66th minute, Raul Gonzalez scored twice and Real Madrid equalized the score!
The Real Madrid man breathed a sigh of relief and the game finally got back on track …
They look forward to the captain leading the team to complete a shocking reversal and finally win, taking away three points and laughing at St. Mames!
But fantasy is beautiful and reality is often cruel.
In the 74th minute, Del Horno, a young left-back of Athletic Bilbao, saw his shining moment.
He first headed for Athletic Bilbao to surpass the score again.
Then, in the 76th minute, he hit casillas to guard the goal with another long-range kick outside the restricted area!
"Del Horno! Del Horno! The young left-back almost single-handedly defeated Real Madrid! Two goals in two minutes, Athletic Bilbao re-established the two-goal lead! " The commentator Moon roared.
His voice reached Changsheng’s ear through the video camera, and he raised his arms and cheered.
Now he suddenly wants to see what Marca and AS will say about the game …
"There are fifteen minutes left in the game. Real Madrid must score three goals in a row when it comes! But it doesn’t mean much to them to equalize the score. If they want to continue to bite Valencia, they must win this game! But now it seems almost impossible … Real Madrid players look very tired. When Dandel Hornomey did it twice, their faces were not painful, but … numb! They are tired and numb! In the face of such a defeat, they actually reacted! "
That’s right, commentator! They’re all exhausted!
Ever-victorious in my mind proudly said
Until the end of the game, Real Madrid failed to score even one more goal.
After Dandel Horno scored two goals in two minutes, Real Madrid’s morale and physical strength seemed to be destroyed
In this way, they lost 24 points to Athletic Bilbao.
Then all they can do is expect Valencia to capsize in the gutter at home and lose to Mallorca.
But is it possible?
The next day, Marca newspaper published a photo of David Beckham in San Mames. In the background, David Beckham, a athletic player from Bilbao, was rushing to celebrate. He held his head in front of them with a painful face. He was the most expressive person in yesterday’s game.
There is a vague figure in the distance, but it can still be seen that it is another superstar, Zida, who is lowering his head.
"Failure!" This is the topic given by Marca.
The AS newspaper is the same instant, but it is shot from different angles.
There are no athletic players in Bilbao. One photo includes six superstars, Raul, Ronaldo, Zida, Figo, Beckham and Roberto Carlos. Beckham has his head in his hands, while others are all with their heads down or facial expressions.
There’s no title anymore. This photo says everything.

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